
your non-web Home Assistant front-end


2 minutes

TODO: avoid $ in copy (for pasting) of commands. https://css-tricks.com/to-or-not-to-displaying-terminal-code-snippets/ is interesting, but not sure how to fold it into markdown. https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/set-custom-classes-within-markdown-content/20627/3 from 2019 notes that hugo’s MD renderer, Goldmark, can only do custom classes on headings, and this appears to still be true.

Usage on your local system #

Compile from source #

This section is for local running. Scroll down [FIXME anchor link] for deployment to other devices.

You will need a very recent Meson version. 1.0.1 is too old, 1.3.2 works. [FIXME figure out exact version and also put it in meson.build as meson_version req]. pipenv or other Python virtual env managers should make it easy to get one.

[git clone, mention submodules]

To build for Debian 12, something like this works:

$ sudo apt install build-essential cmake meson ninja-build nlohmann-json3-dev pkg-config libssl-dev libsdl2-dev
$ meson setup build/
$ meson compile -C build/

FIXME explain our -D things, like we use in the armel build below.

voorkant should also build on macOS - see the build-macos job in our GitHub Actions build workflow for hints. Turning this into actual documentation would be a welcome PR!

Get access to your Home Assistant installation #

In the Home Assistant web interface, click your user name (bottom left), this takes you to /profile. Scroll down and create a Long-Lived Access Token.

Don’t forget to save it. A convenient method is to make a file .secrets inside your voorkant-core checkout with content like this:

HA_API_TOKEN=[secret goes here]

export HA_WS_URL

Note that wss:// (websockets with SSL/TLS) is currently not supported.

Running #

To run the FTXUI terminal frontend:

$ . .secrets
$ build/client-ftxui

To run the LVGL frontend (compiled against SDL by default, which will handle creating a window for it and taking mouse/touch input):

$ . .secrets
$ build/client-lvgl entity light.*

(the run syntax of client-lvgl is subject to occasional changes, run build/client-lvgl help to find today’s syntax.)

Finally, build/client-cli has a collection of useful small tools.

Compiling for another target #

The only target currently supported and tested is Eneco Toon 1.

You will need Docker+QEMU with a working binfmt setup [link?].

First, build a Debian armel image to do our compilation in:

$ cd scripts/build-targets && make armel
$ cd ../..

Then set up Meson, and do the build:

$ scripts/build-targets/run armel sh -c 'LDFLAGS="-static -latomic" meson setup build-armel --prefer-static -Dbuildtype=release -Dlvgl-driver=fbdev -Dfront-ftxui=disabled'
$ scripts/build-targets/run armel sh -c 'meson compile -C build-armel'

After a very long time, you will find binaries in build-armel/.

Downloading pre-built binaries #

[something something github actions]